Δευτέρα, 22 Ιουλίου, 2024

PDEDE Participation in a European Project

PopuLLar is a European education project that will use music to motivate language learning in secondary school students. Music is personal and using it will motivate students in an area that is an important part of their lives. There is a huge need to motivate secondary school students, in particular, to learn languages, focus digital competencies and be creative. Teenagers are overwhelmingly engaged with music, 92% of 14-17 year olds own an MP3 player and they listen to an average of nearly 2.5 hours of music per day. The project will ask students to write their own lyrics to songs of their choice. They will then translate their songs in to the target language they are learning, This will require adaptation to the music of the chosen song. The students will then record their song (audio or video) and share it with other students all over Europe. The receiving students then have to comprehend the songs and translate into their native language and record their version for sharing. Students will be able to combine their love of music, with creativity, literacy, digital competencies, group collaboration and, most importantly, use LWULT languages. This project directly answers the priorities for transversal key competences - such as learning to learn, sense of initiative, social, civic and cultural competences. PopuLLar is a project that is 'Owned' by the students, they work autonomously and collaboratively, teachers are guides to the project process. PopuLLar is designed to address multiple priorities and key competencies within the LLP: o New innovative teaching methodologies o Motivation to learn languages o Learning to learn o Raising use of technology in education o Communication in foreign languages (focusing on LWULT) o Digital competence Most importantly, the project seeks to bring into learning the prime interest of secondary students as a tool for learning The project will create: • Guides, videos, examples for the teachers and students to be able to use the project • A replicability package, including a methodology guide, case studies and workshops so that teachers can use the project even after the end of funding • A community space were students productions (audio, video, transcripts) can be shared • A repository of examples of the use of music in language education There is no limit to the number of schools that can use the project

Η συμβολή των Ευρωπαϊκών Προγραμμάτων στην ποιότητα της εκπαίδευσης

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