Παρασκευή, 7 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

PPDEDE-RDEWG (Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education in Western Greece) is an Erasmus+ Accredited Regional Educational Public Official Authority (in the fields of School Education, VET Education and Adult Education in certain types of schools) under the umbrella of the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religion. It is in charge of over 1135 schools of both levels of education -primary and secondary- (general education, special education, vocational education, adult education) and a number of more than 12.150 appointed teachers of all disciplines and 90.000 students.

It is one of the largest education organizations in Greece – responsible for schools and teachers in three Units, Achaia, Etoloakarnania and Ilia. The main strategic objective of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Greece is the co-ordination and monitoring of the implementation of the Educational Policy in its three respective regional units (Achaia, Ilia, Etoloakarnania) and its active contribution in designing and shaping educational policy at the regional level.

It is comprised by several organizational units including: 3 Directorates of Primary Education (one for each regional unit), 3 Directorates of Secondary Education (one for each regional unit), the Regional Center of Educational Planning of Western Greece and the 4 Centers of Educational and Guidance Support. (Law 4547/A΄ 102/12-6-2018 Government Gazette)

It is also responsible for providing information on European Projects, supporting all of its educational structures during the application stage, as well as the dissemination of the results supervising the implementation of various education projects, like European projects, in schools. Head of the Directorate is at the moment Dr. Kostas Giannopoulos.

One of his primary goals is to reinforce the educational process in schools under his jurisdiction. The department monitors in a more organized basis the results of already existing European projects and provides assistance to schools wishing to participate to European projects.

Postal Address: Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Greece – 25A Akti Dimaion, 26222, Patras, Greece

Email: mail at pdede.sch.gr,  Tel: +30 2610 362 402

The European Projects Team (EU-PDEDE)

The Team of European Projects (Eu-PDEDE) aims at promoting the participation of the Region’s  school units in European Projects as well as the project management of Regional Directorate’s European Projects (all EU Projects that the Regional Directorate of Education of Western Greece coordinates or participates as a partner (Inter+, Eduweb)

Konstantinos Giannopoulos
General Director of PDEDE

General Responsible of the EU-PDEDE Team is the General Director Mr Konstantinos Giannopoulos Konstantinos Giannopoulos was born in 1965 in Patras, Achaia. He graduated from the Pedagogical Academy of Tripoli. Then he attended Didaskalio specializing in "Social and Educational Exclusion. Intercultural Education".

He holds a master's degree in Educational Sciences from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Ioannina and a doctorate in the Hellenic Educational Assessment System, entitled "From teacher to inspector. The case study of the inspector V. Papageorgiou, 1914-1919 "from the same university. He has taught at the Pedagogical Department of the University of Patras. He is also certified by the Hellenic National ICT Certification System, holding a national ICT certificate of both first and second level.

From 1987 until today he has served as a teacher, School Counselor, guiding scientifically and pedagogically more than 200 school units in Western and Southern Greece. He has published several scientific papers in Greek and international journals and has participated in papers in National and International conferences. During his professional and administrative experience, he has organized several activities for students and teachers related to cyberbullying prevention, privacy and internet security, school robotics and racing preparation workshops and is a leading member of the network e-safety at Regional level.

He is now in his 7th year as Regional Director of Western Greece. During his work experience in the Regional Directorate of Education he is chairman of many regional educational councils, has more than 15,000 teachers under his supervision and is a member of many educational committees formed on his initiative in collaboration with higher education institutions in Greece.

Konstantinos Giannopoulos

General Director of PDEDE

Elena Sarli
Official EU Project Manager (2014-2020) & (2021-2027), of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Greece.

There are 13 Official Promoters of EU Projects nationwide by the Greek Ministry, who are responsible for supporting all school units of their respective Regions during preparation (application stage), implementation and disemination (project management support) of EU Projects. She was born in Patras and she works as administrative officer in the Regional Directorate of Education in Western Greece with prior ten-year teaching experience in Primary and Secondary Education as a physical educator. She holds a degree in Physical Education, she holds a Msc in the “Organization and Management of Sports Organizations and Enterprises” and she is a candidate doctor of philosophy in the University of Peloponnese in “Sports Management and Marketing”.

She was selected to work as an educator by the Higher Selection Council of Human Resources by scoring 92% in “pedagogy and teaching methodology written exams” among 15ooo participants. She is an active scientific researcher with rich scientific work published on national and international level. She holds the Proficiency of Cambridge and Michigan (English) and is a fluent user of the French language. She is also certified in (by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and ECDL) in New Technologies.

Elena Sarli is also an active volleyball and beach volleyball player ( she is a professional athlete competing for the past 15 years in first and second national division of the national volleyball championship) and she is nationally certified as professional volleyball coach as well as grass-roots activities expert. Her scientific work includes published research in National and International Conferences and Scientific Journals (3rd Εuromed Conference by the Euromed Research Business Institute, 39th EMAC Conference της European Marketing Academy, EASM Conference by the European Association for Sport Management, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 30 Iss: 5, pp.552 – 561. Ect)

Elena Sarli

Official EU Project Manager (2014-2020) & (2021-2027)of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Greece

Elena Davveta

Elena Davveta was born on 15-09-1984 in Athens and is a teacher of Primary Education. She has studied at the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education of the University of Patras and has a master’s degree in Educational Sciences at the Hellenic Open University.

She is a holder of the Certificate of Proficiency in English Michigan and of Goethe- Zertifikat B2 Goethe Institut. She has attended seminars on online educational tools, on the use of asynchronous and distance learning techniques, and on the methodology of presentations through e -learning. She handles comfortably windows, office, internet and Web 2.0 Tools-Etwinning. She has participated with her students in cultural programs and theatrical performances.

Since 2016, she has been seconded to the Regional Directorate of Education of Western Greece. In 2017 she participated in the T4Europe Program with the project "Traveling with a seagull in the ports of Europe". For the last two years she has worked at PDEDE as administrative staff in european projects.

Elena Davveta

Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos

Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos was born on 18.06.1976 in Australia. He owns a Bachelor's degree as an Electrical Engineer and Computer Engineer of the Polytechnic School of the Democritus University of Thrace and a Master's Degree of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering of the Polytechnic School Democritus University of Thrace in the Specialization Sector: Communication Systems & Satellite Telecommunication Systems Technologies. He has worked as ΙΤ teacher in schools of Secondary Education from 2002 to 2018. He has worked from 2005 to 2011 at Α.Τ.Ε.Ι. Patras, from 2005 until today in DIEK in IT courses, the year 2005-2006 in Primary school and from 2018 until today is seconded to the Regional Directorate of Education of Western Greece in the Department of Economics.

He owns a Certificate of Proficiency in English and a seminar certificate of 125 in Italian Language. He has experience in programming languages (Matlab, ADS, SYSTEM VIEW,Photoshop, Cool Edit Pro, Premiere) and he has made announcements at the following conferences: • Pattern Optimisation of Large Array Antennas by Using Only Phase Control", IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, June 17-20, 2002 • "Estimation of Direction of Arrival for Coherent Signals in Wireless Communication Systems", 2004 IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Monterey, California, USA, June 20-26, 2004

In the Regional Directorate of Education of Western Greece, he joined the B department of financial affairs and, among other things, he was engaged in Human Resources Allocation and NSRF payroll (European Union Funds at national level).

Ioannis Gerontinis

Ioannis Gerontinis was born and raised in Athens.

He studied Economics at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and has a Master's degree in Science in Sustainable Development at Harokopio University of Athens.

He worked at the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs of Greece (2010-2020) and has teaching experience as a secondary school teacher and in Public Institutes of Vocational Education (City Galatsi and Zante Island in 2006)

He is a musician (member of the Philarmonic Orchestra of Nea Ionia and Egion) and a member of Scouts of Greece He is married to Vasiliki Mizikiri, a kindergarten teacher and they have a child.

Now, he works at the Regional Education Directorate of Western Greece at the Secratariat Office

Andreas Pettas
Head of IT Dpt at Regional Directorate of Primary & Secondary Education of Western Greece


2015 - Master’s Degree, Electronics and Information Processing - University of Patras

1997 - Electrical & Computer Engineer - University of Patras

ICT Experience

Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education in Western Greece

Mar 2018 – Present - Head of IT Dpt

Dec 2015 - Mar 2018  Hardware and Software Engineer

General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning of Greece

Sep 2014 – Aug 2015 Worked closely with the Education Minister and the General Secretary at the Central Governance Office coordinating all the Departments of the General Secretariat. Directed the governance process and managed HR issues for all the Lifelong Learning Institutions in Greece.

Public Institute of Vocational Training ( IEK PATRAS )

Sep 2007 – Aug 2013 ICT Supervisor

Frigoglass AVEE 

Mar 1998 - OCt 2005  Systems Administrator

Teaching Experience

National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP)

2011 - 2013 Chief Exam and Qualifications Coordinator in the Region of Western Greece

Schools Adult and Secondary

2005-7, 2013-2014 Computer Science Teacher in state schools

2011-2012 Adult Education Supervisor – Tutor, Adult Closed Prison of Patras (Ag. Stefanos)

2008- 2011 Computer Science Teacher in adult education - Public Institute of Vocational Training (IEK PATRAS)

European Programmes

2006-07 Gender equality programme – KETHI

2007-2013 Erasmus programme management at Public Institute of Vocational Training ( IEK PATRAS )

Andreas Pettas

Head of IT Dpt at Regional Directorate of Primary & Secondary Education of Western Greece
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