PPDEDE-RDEWG (Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education in Western Greece) is an Erasmus+ Accredited Regional Educational Public Official Authority (in the fields of School Education, VET Education and Adult Education in certain types of schools) under the umbrella of the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religion. It is in charge of over 1135 schools of both levels of education -primary and secondary- (general education, special education, vocational education, adult education) and a number of more than 12.150 appointed teachers of all disciplines and 90.000 students.
It is one of the largest education organizations in Greece – responsible for schools and teachers in three Units, Achaia, Etoloakarnania and Ilia. The main strategic objective of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Greece is the co-ordination and monitoring of the implementation of the Educational Policy in its three respective regional units (Achaia, Ilia, Etoloakarnania) and its active contribution in designing and shaping educational policy at the regional level.
It is comprised by several organizational units including: 3 Directorates of Primary Education (one for each regional unit), 3 Directorates of Secondary Education (one for each regional unit), the Regional Center of Educational Planning of Western Greece and the 4 Centers of Educational and Guidance Support. (Law 4547/A΄ 102/12-6-2018 Government Gazette)
It is also responsible for providing information on European Projects, supporting all of its educational structures during the application stage, as well as the dissemination of the results supervising the implementation of various education projects, like European projects, in schools. Head of the Directorate is at the moment Dr. Nikolaos Delegkos.
One of his primary goals is to reinforce the educational process in schools under his jurisdiction. The department monitors in a more organized basis the results of already existing European projects and provides assistance to schools wishing to participate to European projects.
Postal Address: Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Greece – 25A Akti Dimaion, 26222, Patras, Greece
Email: mail at pdede.sch.gr, Tel: +30 2610 362 402
The European Projects Team (EU-PDEDE)
The Team of European Projects (Eu-PDEDE) aims at promoting the participation of the Region’s school units in European Projects as well as the project management of Regional Directorate’s European Projects (all EU Projects that the Regional Directorate of Education of Western Greece coordinates or participates as a partner (Inter+, Eduweb)
Nikolaos Delegkos
General Director of PDEDE
General Responsible of the EU-PDEDE Team is the General Director Mr Nikolaos Delegkos Nikolaos Delegkos was born in 1963 in Kryovrysi, Ilias. He graduated from the Pedagogical Academy of Tripoli, Arcadia. He then studied at the Physics Department of the University of Patras, graduating in 1990. He continued his studies at the Marasleion Teacher Training College of the University of Athens, specializing in "Special Education and Training".
He holds a two-year master's degree in Educational Sciences from the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education of the University of Patras. He prepared his doctoral thesis at the University of Patras on the didactic dimension of the concept of energy. He is a scientific associate at the TEΕAPΗ of the University of Patras. He is also certified by the Greek National ICT Certification System, holding both first and second level national ICT certificates. Since 1984, he has served as a teacher, School Director and School Counselor, scientifically and pedagogically guiding more than 500 school units in Western Greece. He has published several scientific papers in Greek and international journals and has participated in papers in National and International conferences.
During his professional and administrative experience, he has organized various activities for students and teachers related to the teaching of mathematics and physics concepts in primary education, special education and inclusion in the Greek educational system, cyberbullying prevention, internet privacy and security, school robotics and competitive preparation and is a leading member of the electronic safety network at a Regional level.
From 2022 to 2024 he served as Director of Primary Education in the Prefecture of Aitoloakarnania and for the last year he has been acting as Regional Director of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Greece, hence having more than 15,000 teachers under his supervision. Additionally, he has been the president of many regional education councils and a member of many educational committees formed on his initiative in collaboration with higher education institutions in Greece.
Nikolaos Delegkos
General Director of PDEDEElena Sarli
Official EU Project Manager (2014-2020) & (2021-2027), of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Greece.
There are 13 Official Promoters of Erasmus+ nationwide derived by the Greek Ministry for each of the 13 Regional Directorates of Education under the Greek Ministry of Education, who are in close cooperation with the members of the Greek National Agency of Erasmus+ and are responsible for further supporting all school units in participating in the Εrasmus+ Program.
Official Promoters Erasmus+ facilitate schools to enroll to the Erasmus+ by informing them on the opportunities for educators and students and are also responsible for the activation of the educational community for participating in Erasmus+ Program and organize in cooperation with all educational structures several events, workshops, seminars ect.
She has supported the European projects of the Regional Directorate of Education of Western Greece as well as schools within the Regional of Western Greece (pre-primary, primary, secondary , VET education) since 2014. She was born in Patras and she works as administrative officer in the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Greece with a prior ten-year teaching experience in Primary and Secondary Education as a physical educator. She holds a degree in Physical Education, she holds a Msc in the “Organization and Management of Sports Organizations and Enterprises” and a PhD in “Sports Management and Marketing” by the University of Peloponnese.
She was selected to work as an educator by the Higher Selection Council of Human Resources by scoring 92% in “pedagogy and teaching methodology written exams” among 15ooo participants. She is an active scientific researcher with rich scientific work published on national and international level. She holds the Proficiency of Cambridge and Michigan (English) and is a fluent user of the French language. She is also certified in (by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and ECDL) in New Technologies.
Elena Sarli is also an active volleyball and beach volleyball player ( she is a professional athlete competing for the past 15 years in first and second national division of the national volleyball championship) and she is nationally certified as professional volleyball coach as well as grass-roots activities expert
Elena Sarli
Official EU Project Manager (2014-2020) & (2021-2027)of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western GreeceEvangelia Markou
Evangelia is an administrative officer of the Regional Directorate of Education of Western Greece (RDEWG) with experience in the administrative support of European projects. She graduated from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, TEI of Thessaloniki and has a Master’s Degree in Quality Assurance from the Greek Open University. She is certified for the English language (level C2) and the ICT use.
She has worked at the Organisation of Vocational Education and Training (VET Agency), in the field of planning, monitoring and coordination of the implementation of the VET Agency's projects co-financed by the Community Support Framework. She was also an administrator in the Greek Ministry of Education, Life Long Learning and Religious Affairs, in the Department of Studies and Student Affairs of the Single Administrative Sector of Higher Education.
Since 2011 she has been working at the Regional Directorate of Education of Western Greece (RDEWG) as an administrative employee, and deals with administrative issues, educational issues of primary and secondary education, as well as European programmes.
Evangelia Markou
Eleftheria Prodromou
Eleftheria Prodromou was born in Sydney, Australia and is a graduate of the Department of Early Childhood Education at the University of Patras. For 26 years she worked as a kindergarten teacher in public education, including over 15 years as a kindergarten director.
She has worked as a trainer at the Public IEK (Institute of Vocational Training) of Patras, teaching the course "Puppet Theatre, Shadow Theatre in the specialty of Early Childhood Education and Activities" and has written educational material for the students of the IEK. She has participated as a presenter in conferences and seminars on digital storytelling in education.
She is currently serving at the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Greece as administrative staff in European projects. She holds a Certificate in English language and Skills Certification in Information and Communication Technologies (from the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, level A and B1) and ECDL. She is married and mother of two children.
Eleftheria Prodromou
Panagiota Giannioti
Panagiota Giannioti was born on 30-04-1974 in Patras. She holds a degree from the School of Humanities, Studies in European Culture, of the Hellenic Open University.
He holds the Certificate of Proficiency in English Michigan. He also holds ECDL certification in computer use, in all modules of office programs and has attended a training seminar on commercial management programs (easy management - issuing invoices, proper control, complete overview of movements and sending documents in myData . Also warehouse program for easy organization)
She has attended seminars on history of the Hellenistic period and art history in continuation of her lifelong learning and development in the field of Humanities. Since 2023 she has been appointed in the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Greece as an administrative and financial officer in secondary education and works as an administrative staff in European projects. She has worked in the private sector for the past fifteen years, in the business sector and for the last four years she has been involved in teaching English language. She is the mother of one child.